Want to Join my Non-fiction Journey?

I've done a lot of writing over the years. I started out writing nonfiction for Christian periodicals: magazines, Sunday School take home papers and the like.

Then I wrote several nonfiction books. More recently I've been writing fiction.

Some of my nonfiction books are now out of print by the publisher. They keep calling to me and I hear them. Calling louder and louder. My dream is to get them back in print.

That will be a lot of work. And that's the journey I'm on. Would you like to join me and follow my progress on this journey? Then please join my nonfiction newsletter using the button on the right.

I plan to send a newsletter at least monthly, more often when something exciting is happening with my nonfiction project(s) and as the projects progress.

For signing up today, you'll get a free short PDF document called "Christmas Dreams" you can share with your family. It includes a trivia quiz, study, and word search game about the dreams in the Bible's Christmas story. If you enjoy that, you may love my nonfiction writing!

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